It is necessary to write surname in this document, know the reason

It is necessary to write surname in this document, know the reason

Name is the first means of identification of any person. We recognize every person by his name only. However, where there are several persons with the same name, they are identified by their surname. That is why in almost all official documents in India, the option of surname (last name) is also given along with the name. In many documents it is not necessary to write the surname along with the name. However, there are some documents in which it is mandatory to write your surname. 

Especially in banks. If there is even a slight mistake in your full name in the bank, you may have to pay for it. However, your surname is mandatory in the bank only if your surname is mentioned in your Officially Valid Document (OVD). If there is no surname in it then you do not need to give surname in the bank account also. However, there are some documents where it is mandatory to give the surname. 

Surname mandatory on passport

If you want to get a passport made, then you will have to compulsorily provide your surname i.e. last name. Actually, there are some countries where visas are not given to foreign travelers due to lack of surname on the passport. About two years ago, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) changed its rules and made first and second name mandatory on the travellerโ€™s passport. According to this, the passengerโ€™s surname must be written along with his name. The Government of India has also made it mandatory. Apart from this, it is mandatory to write surname in the visa. The US Embassy has made it mandatory. 

Surname is necessary on birth certificate also

It is necessary to write the surname on the birth certificate made at the time of birth of any child. It has been made mandatory. Apart from this, surname should also be there on legal and investment related documents. Actually, by having a surname, a personโ€™s name becomes two or three words, which makes his identification easier. However, not having a surname sometimes becomes a cause of trouble.  

Also read: How is a caste added to the OBC list, how difficult is it to do? 

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